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Logo designing! Top characteristics of successful logos.

Logos or the representative symbols are always there for all kinds of businesses, brands, products and also for the institutions. It’s not just a formality in fact it is a necessity that enables your brand to be identified and recognized by the consumers by just visualizing it, even if they don’t read the name of the product or the brand.

Talking about the characteristics, specialties and do’s and don’ts of a logo, they are endless. In this article we are going to tell you some of the most important characteristics of a logo and how logo designing should be done to meet the ever competitive and challenging world of marketing and branding.


Take a look at the apple logo.

Simple is beautiful, mostly stands true for a logo and it is the best way to describe a brand or an organization. Complexity should be avoided on all costs. By remaining simple you are conveying your message in clearer way.


Consider Google for it.
Flexibility and being dynamic are the two qualities of a logo that define its superiority. Also, these two qualities must be there in a logo so that it could be given a new and improved form for any medium whenever needed.


The curling fox over the globe of Mozilla Firefox is a perfect example of it.

One of the main qualities of a logo according to the logo designing experts is its uniqueness. Why should it be unique? Because it has to be different from the competitors as the current times see a number of brands are competing to gain an edge in the same field.


The logo of Baskin Robbins demonstrates this quality.

A successful logo is always built around a powerful meaning that the company wants to convey. There should be a thought process behind its making, only then it can compete with the other logos and make it self-meaningful.


The logo of McDonalds exemplifies it innovation perfectly.

A logo must be innovative and there should be a proper thought process behind it even if it is as simple as an alphabetic letter. Creativity doesn’t always mean complex, entangled designs and lines in a logo.


Go through the logo of Microsoft once.
Less or over usage of color should be considered carefully while going for logo designing. Whatever the color scheme is, it should be done sensibly. The usage of color must match the philosophy of the brand and what’s more important is that it must be acceptable in the related industry.

Type face:-

What about the logo of coca cola?
For a typeface to be unique it doesn’t always need to be overly designed. A simple design can also be unique at the same time. there are some typefaces going around in the market that are so unique and memorable that they can’t even be copied due to their simple type face.


Glance at the tour de France’s logo.
A logo should be such that it breaks the stereotypes. Logo designing should be unpredictable and shouldn’t be overused as it can lower its value.


The swoosh of the Nike.
Last but not the least. The main purpose of the logo is to be remembered. Even if the name of the product or brand isn’t there, customers should be able to visualize the brand and relate to it.


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