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Sarahah app! What is it? Its advantages and uses.

The hype:-

Sarahah Sarahah Sarahah, for the last few days we’ve been hearing about this app and it’s all over the web and smartphones overshadowing even the leading social applications. Trending as the most downloaded and most searched app in the App store. No wonder it has something extra, the X factor that has propelled its upward rise in the regions like Canada, UK, USA, Australia and the Middle East.
What’s the special thing about it that has made it a super dooper hit in the last few days? How can an app suddenly burst on to the scene from nowhere and become the talk of the town? What’s the kick about it? Let me answer it.

Why Sarahah:-

The main feature that has made it a success and allows it to stand from the crowd is that people no longer have to show their identity to others while texting. Sarahah allows people to completely mask their identity and text anyone they want. Isn’t it different?

Name a single app that allows you to stay hidden and not disclose your identity while interacting on the virtual world. I think none! The first and foremost condition of every leading social media site is that you, as the app user, should disclose your identity and the person or a group of people with whom you interact are also able to see who you are, where are you from and what you do.

The X factor:-

Disclosing of your identity isn't required on Sarahah. Basically, this feature of remaining unknown has made it so different especially among the youngsters and other people that they find it difficult to get out of it. A lot of professional people are taking advantage of this great app for sending feedback to each other by remaining unknown.

Colleagues in offices and different organization are openly expressing themselves to each other whether they are suggesting something to others, speaking their heart out or whatever.


Heads and managers of the companies and organizations are also making use of Sarahah to encourage employees and convey their ideas by keeping their identities hidden. Also, they can point out the flaws in the working style of their subordinates without letting them know who it is.
The main feature of it is the quick and honest feedback. Now it can be positive and negative as well. Whatever it is, Sarahah users have a great chance to improve themselves, build on their strengths and look to abnegate their negative habits and tendencies.

Express yourself:-

Other uses of Sarahah are that you can express your heart out, whether you want to express something genuine like a common mistake done by a colleague or want to criticize your boss on his/her wrong policies. Remain polite and soft while giving your opinion or go all guns blazing at someone and with full throttle, that’s totally up to you. Now that’s the main part of Sarahah “say whatever you want”.


Youngsters are taking the fullest advantage of this app. They are expressing their feelings for each other, letting out their frustrations, if any, though this breakthrough app. it seems like this great app is made for them. 


One drawback of Sarahah is that the owners of the application have removed the search option from its PC web browser. It is causing a lot of problem to people as they are unable to search the desired people on the web browser. This option is available on the androidmobile app and iOS application

Another flaw or restriction that is there in Sarahah is that you cannot reply to a text. Seems a bit limited? Yeah it does honestly. But according to the authorities and owners of the app they are looking closely at this matter and have conducted a detailed survey on it.

They may include the feature of replying to the text but according to a stake holder in Sarahah who didn’t want to disclose his identity (so sarahahian, isn’t it) is of the view that that the reply option will make it just like other social media apps like twitter, Facebook and Instagram etc. and they want to keep Sarahah a bit different from other social media apps.

“But the option of replying isn’t out of question at all as we are having detailed discussions on it”
If you like the article, kindly share it on social media and to your friends and family. They may also like it and get to know about this upcoming app. 


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